What do you do with your artworks that you view as unsuccessful or unfinished? First you stow them away in some box or folder meaning to return to them someday and give them new life. Last week was that time for me. The 2 pieces below titled FLIGHT 1 and FLIGHT 2 are the results of ripping up (in my eyes) an unsuccessful painting and creating 2 collages. Pepe (my blue and gold macaw)

lives in my studio and often expresses his opinion of my work by squawking and screaming. If you look carefully you will notice that he contributed 2 of his gorgeous feathers for use in the the collages. Thanks to Pepe for his advice and contribution.
The next 2 paintings below titled FRACTURED WINGS 1 and FRACTURED WINGS 2 are
reclaimed from one painting that did not work for me. I located areas that spoke to me that I felt had promise. I cut the work apart and began to rework them by adding numerous layers of transparent paint, taping off areas and stenciling dotted areas creating depth and interest. I added drawing using prismacolor pencils and oil pastels. One dull old painting turned into 2 vibrant mixed media artworks filled with energy and joy.
These are huge concepts - thanks for bringing them to the Studio for Show and Tell. I love the "Flight" collages - definitely more than the sum of the parts. And I am going to steal the ideas you stolre from that other artist, Gaston Carrio:
So there!!