When I changed email addresses earlier this week, my blogger account somehow disappeared. I'm faced with the task of rebuilding my images and posts, but perhaps a fresh start won't be so bad. I'll start this new blog with a copy of Lyn Belisle's post in her blog, SHARDS, about my work. This was published in April of 2103, just about a year ago. Stay tuned for new posts, new work, and new adventures.
From Lyn Belisle's blog, SHARDS:
Gloria Hill: Guest Artist for April
“We all have to start somewhere and I feel that I am at the gathering stage in my work. I am motivated by the strong urge to create. I hope that through the process of discovering, gathering, creating, experimenting, searching, failing, and learning I will develop the tools, techniques, and processes to better express myself. I know who I am and am happy with me. I never want to stop growing and learning and I am finding that my art is taking me down the path I want to travel. It is giving me joy, inner peace, confidence, and a feeling of personal accomplishment.”
Thank you, Glo, for sharing your talent and inspiring work!
- Acrylic on paper
- Acrylic on paper
- Mixed media on paper
- Mixed media on paper
- Mixed media on paper
- Acrylic on paper
- Mixed media on paper
- Acrylic on paper
- Mixed media on paper